We produce interactive art events focused on reproductive rights, using art, performance and live story shares to center people and their abortion stories. We create spaces to witness, heal, mourn, and find support while creating a living record of the harm caused by lack of access to legal and safe abortion. Spaces are safe and open to everyone’s experience.

Founding Facilitator Dr. Carolina Franco at an abortion story speak out that Abortion Stories organized in collaboration with PPGNY on June 24th.

We want to hear your story! If you would like to share your abortion story at a live story telling event, record your story on video or audio, be a listener, attend an event, or anything else, please click the purple button below and let us know where you are and what you would like to do!

Demand reproductive justice. Share your story. Celebrate the people who have fought and will continue to fight for our freedom to give birth when and if we choose.

On May 6, 2022, we gathered in Tompkins Square Park in downtown NYC to tell and witness the stories of our experiences with reproductive choice. Many people with stories from before the passing of Roe v. Wade came out through the chilly rain with generosity, grief, and anger to tell us about their traumatic experiences with illegal abortion before 1973. Runaway Train Productions brought together some of the stories from that day to create “It’s an Issue of Freedom.”



Click on the picture to hear Ebony and Tatiana’s interview through our initiative with StoryCorps

In two recording events with Peabody Award-winning oral history organization StoryCorps on May 7, 2022 and again on October 10-11, we invited people to tell each other their abortion stories in interview form. People brought friends and family members to interview them or elected to be interviewed by someone they didn’t know. All stories were sent to the Library of Congress to become part of the historical record. To learn more about this initiative, click here.


You've got to rattle your cage door. You've got to let them know that you're in there and that you want out. Make noise. Cause trouble. You may not win right away, but you'll sure have a lot more fun.

—Florynce Kennedy